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Third death linked to Covid-19 confirmed in Gibraltar


A third resident of Gibraltar’s Elderly Residential Service has passed away due to conditions related to Covid-19, the Gibraltar Government has confirmed.
In a press statement issued Thursday morning, the Government said the person was a resident of the John Macintosh Wing, aged between 95 and 100 years old.
The resident was a woman who tested positive for Covid-19 on October 20 and developed pneumonia as a result.
“The resident died suddenly yesterday due to pneumonitis secondary to Covid-19,” a statement from No.6 Convent Place said.
“The death will be reported in today’s statistics as a death from Covid-19.”
The Chief Minister Fabian Picardo shared his “deepest sympathies” to the woman’s family and friends.
“It is extremely difficult for us to confirm that a third resident of Elderly Residential Services has died within a week as a result of Covid-19,” he said.
“All three members of our community who we have sadly lost to Covid-19 were of the generation who lived through the hardships of the evacuation and endured the long years of a closed frontier, all the while keeping up the unshakable Gibraltarian spirit.”
“We should all remember their sacrifices now as we make vitally important changes to the way we go about our daily lives in order to protect the most vulnerable but most cherished generation of Gibraltarians.”
“We do not want to keep visitors out of ERS and we will work to reintroduce visits as soon as possible, but we have to understand that doing so without a new protocolthat draws on new testing techniques etc creates risks of death like the further one we are unfortunately reporting today.”
“For that reason, everything we do is designed to protect the most vulnerable.”
“From masks in our town centre and other areas, masks in schools and other unwanted restrictions, each is undertaken with a heavy heart and only on the basis of the medical advice available to us.”
“Together, united and pulling in the same direction we will be strongest in dealing with the final stretch against the virus.”

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