Tour of the Gardens at the Convent
By Annabelle Mor-Codali, Gibraltar Horticultural Society
The Convent, the Governor's residence in Gibraltar, once again opened their garden to the Gibraltar Horticultural Society (GHS) members with Mrs Lorraine Davis hosting the evening.
Our members were able to enjoy refreshments while been given a tour round the gardens by Jason Easter who entertained us with interesting facts about the trees and its history. To the amazement of us all we enjoyed an unexpected display of Red Admiral butterflies by the lovely trees. The evening, which was blessed with fine weather, was enjoyed by all.
Mrs Lorraine Davis has been our patron from her arrival in Gibraltar and the GHS will miss her as both herself and her husband, HE Lieutenant General Edward Davis, have been staunch supporters of the Society. It has been a privilege to have met them both on several occasions and we wish them both the very best for the future.
For more information about our Society please contact us on Facebook ‘The Gibraltar Horticultural Society’ or send us an email to ‘’.