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Training exercise bus catches fire

The bus used in Thursday’s LiveX training accidentally caught fire yesterday as workers attempted to dismantle the vehicle.

No one was hurt in the incident which took place yesterday afternoon in the Europa area.

A worker was welding inside the vehicle, which had been used by the emergency services the day before as part of a training exercise involving a simulated terrorist attack, when a spark flew and landed on a seat, which quickly ignited.

The worker tried to extinguish the fire himself, but it spread so rapidly he had to remove himself from the scene and the fire brigade was dispatched.

Two fire engines and eight fire fighters arrived on the scene shortly before 2pm and the fire was under control just five minutes later.

A representative for the Gibraltar Fire and Rescue, Christian Desoiza, said that the worker was calm when the fire fighters arrived and did the right thing by leaving the bus.

The Royal Gibraltar Police confirmed that no member of the public was hurt in the incident.

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