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U2 look-a-likes visit Gibraltar

Photo by Eyleen Gomez

Two look-a-likes of famous rockstars Bono and The Edge posed on the airport runway today, after performing a gig at a wedding.

Pavel Sfera and Steve Richards, posed as Bono and The Edge respectively, much to the amusement of passers-by.

The two men play tribute to the U2 band members and were in the area to perform at a friend’s wedding.

Last weekend the doppelgangers created a stir across in La Linea having visited the local market on Saturday morning and tapas bars for some food.

U2 fans from both sides of the border stopped them to ask for a photo.

The fan-fare, however, caused confusion which many thinking they had met the real deal.

Mr Pavel told the Chronicle they apologise if some people felt they were tricked by them as this is not their intention.

Mr Pavel said they were having a bit of “craic” and are always willing to pose for photos.

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