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Weapons stash seized in Algeciras port

An illegal shipment of assault rifles and grenade launchers was intercepted in the port of Algeciras yesterday.

Guardia Civil and customs officers found the weapons in a container bound from Ghana to the US, according to a joint statement.

Inside they discovered 737 Swiss Arms SG 553 5.56mm assault rifles, each equipped with several magazines.

The compact assault rifles are designed for paratroopers and Special Forces units.

They also found 72 Swiss-made 40mm SIG grenade launchers.

GC granada

The shipment was bound for “commercial operators related to this type of activity”, the Guardia Civil and Agencia Tributaria said in the joint statement.

Videao released by the two law enforcement agencies showed the weapons stored in their factory boxes, including manuals and at least three spare magazines.

The cargo manifest stated the container was carrying disarmed weapons but when the officers checked, they found both the rifles and grenade launchers were brand new and in full working order.

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