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Wear purple this Thursday for World Pancreatic Cancer Day

During the month of November pancreatic cancer charities around the world come together and intensify their ongoing campaign to raise awareness, remember loved ones who have sadly died of pancreatic cancer and to acknowledge those living with or beyond the disease.

During this month the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition (WPCC) member countries carry out different activities and events with World Pancreatic Cancer Day being the most important day in the calendar.

Louis Baldachino, founder of the Gibraltar Charity, said: “Wow, I cannot believe one year has gone by since our 2020 awareness campaign. A very difficult year because of the pandemic but we have put all our efforts in having a bigger impact this year.”

“We know pancreatic cancer is difficult and complex to diagnose. We also know symptoms of the disease can be vague and therefore mistaken for common health problems or conditions.

“We believe that getting to know the classic symptoms of the disease vitally helps to diagnose pancreatic cancer earlier and improve survivorship. We therefore have four very important messages in this year’s campaign.”

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Gibraltar issued several messages during this awareness month.

Their message to GP’s: “Think pancreatic cancer sooner.” Symptoms are vague and therefore mistaken for common health problems.
Their message to the general public: “Get to know the symptoms.” Pancreatic cancer is the fastest killing cancer.

Their message to those fighting the disease: “Never lose hope.”

Their message to survivors: “Inspire others to keep fighting.”

The third Thursday of November is World Pancreatic Cancer Day, this year it’s on Thursday, November 18.

Every year prominent landmarks across the world are lit up in purple and the Moorish Castle will be lit up this week until November 22. The charity on this day promotes ‘Purple Day’ when they encourage the community to wear purple.

Mr Baldachino added: “Last year we had a very successful campaign and the Charity is looking forward in having a greater impact this year with many leading corporate firms, pharmacies, supermarkets, shops, restaurants and schools already confirming their support for this coming Thursday 18th.”

“Your support this November could help us to raise awareness in the community of this horrible disease. Wear purple on 18th November! If you don’t have anything purple to wear we have Charity’s logo purple t-shirts available and please contact us on 58008530.”

“It’s more important than ever we get the message out there to anyone with symptoms to not delay and consult their GP.”

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