World’s largest ocean-going wooden sailing ship docks in Gibraltar
Photos by Johnny Bugeja
The Royal Gibraltar Regiment fired an 11-gun salue today to welcome the Götheborg of Sweden, the world’s largest ocean-going wooden
sailing ship, which is visting the Rock until Sunday.
Commander British Forces Gibraltar, Commodore Tom Guy, along with members of the Götheborg Stopover Team and the CEO of the Gibraltar Tourist Board, Kevin Bossino, watched the gun salute from the balcony of The Tower in the Naval Base.
The visit, scheduled for April 6 to 9, will be the first time the ship visits Gibraltar and it will be moored at the Mid Harbour Marina.
Götheborg of Sweden is a unique replica of an 18th century Swedish East India Company merchant ship that sank outside of Gothenburg in 1745.
The replica took 10 years to build and was launched 20 years ago.
The ship will be sailing throughout Europe during 2023 and is inviting people to sail along as deckhands on board or visit the ship while in port.
The Götheborg is owned by SOIC, which is owned by the Gothenburg based logistics company Greencarrier AB, and is used as a platform to promote trade relations.