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100th beach clean up on 6th anniversary

The Nautilus Project celebrated the sixth year anniversary of the Great Gibraltar Beach Cleans initiative with its 100th beach clean.

The initiative started on February, 18, 2017 in the historic Rosia Bay.

“It’s been quite the rollercoaster, cleaning up the whole of the Gibraltar coastline on a rotational basis and achieving this milestone,” said a statement from the NGO.

“For the Nautilus team it made all the sense in the world to host the 100th #TGGBC at Rosia Bay, a double whammy; two milestones in one day: 100 cleans and the 6th anniversary.”

“Inspired by two young boys, Alex and AJ, this initiative has turned into massive community labour of love. Thank you for your support Gibraltar.”

TNP was joined by Diving with Nic and the Resolve Marine Dive team who together hauled hundreds of glass bottles, ropes, fishing lures, nets and even a TV.

Based at the ‘Critter Station’, was Nautilus core members Brian and Desiree, who meticulously checked through every item retrieved from the basin.

“Hundreds of tiny critters, including crabs, spider crabs, brittle stars, sea urchins, chitons, polychaete worms and more, were found amidst the rubbish and separated onto a separate salt water vat. These were then returned safely back to the ocean,” said TNP.

Clubhouse, Gold Duke Of Edinburgh, students from Prior Park and the College of Further Education joined members from the public and scoured the whole area and revetments scooping up all the debris lying around.

“A special mention to Paco Aquilina, for trundling down not only to help out but bringing down a chocolate cake to celebrate the landmark, which was enjoyed by all the volunteers.”

“Ecopark collected all the refuse, weighing in at 460kg, in just 90 minutes. Team work certainly does make the dream work.”

“Here’s to the next 100 cleans whilst hoping we turn the tide and we’ll turn this problem around before,” the statement added.

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