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Girlguides and Scouts launch ‘Smarties’ fundraising challenge

Gibraltar’s Girlguides and Scouts have launched a fundraising challenge, the ‘Smarties Challenge’.

Members have been given a Smarties tube with instructions to either eat or gift the sweets, and then to fill up the tube with either 20p or £1 coins over the course of the month.

Upon return of a full tube, children will be presented with a specially commissioned badge.

“As an association we are very fortunate to enjoy the support of the local community in all our activities and endeavours,” Commissioner for Girlguiding Gibraltar, Claire Montado, said.

“Through this challenge we aim to be able to give something back and in turn support local youth focused charities.”
All the funds raised will be counted and then split between Girlguiding Gibraltar and Scouts Gibraltar and a number of local child welfare and support charities.

“Our young people are always up for a challenge and I’m sure they will do their best as they always do,” Commissioner for Scouts Gibraltar, Mark Rodriguez, said.

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