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From Fine Arts to GEMA

Dorota Zys. Photos by Johnny Bugeja.

Polish artist Dorota Zys has opened the second part of her Gibraltar exhibitions in the GEMA Gallery in Montagu Bastion.

For over a week Ms Zys had been exhibiting her works at the Fine Arts Gallery and as that exhibition closed on Friday she opened her second exhibition featuring different works.

Her exhibition in the GEMA is called ‘Dialogues of Identity’ and in the same abstract style has new works on show where she explores the intricate connections between gender, society, and technology.

Sat on a bench in a vault within the GEMA, Ms Zys describes how the main focal piece of the exhibition symbolises a relationship between a man and woman.

On one side there is a sketch on a woman with strong black strokes in the adjoining painting, but as the eye moves to the man’s side the strokes become smaller.

This symbolises the emotions, conversations and relationship between the two.

Ms Zys’ abstract exhibition in the GEMA Gallery sees art hung on just two walls, allowing the work to breathe.

From her exhibition in the Fine Arts Gallery, she found that people are open to abstract works locally and received positive responses.

The exhibition is open for viewing at the GEMA Gallery until August 25.

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