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Youngsters start conservation journey with fundraiser for Nautilus Project

Two youngsters, Sophie and Louen, who witnessed the oil spill from the Gas Venus, have raised £320 for The Nautilus Project.

Inspired by the event to help protect the environment, the pair took to crafting bookmarks which they sold at a stall outside Rosia Plaza.

They were visited by The Nautilus Project’s Cameron who nominated them for GBC’s Morning Heroes’ segment on Radio Gibraltar.

Sophie and Louen were named Med Ocean Heroes after they volunteered at the Project’s 108th Great Gibraltar Beach Clean, helping to remove 420kg of refuse.

The snorkel team treated them to a snorkelling experience to explore the Rosia Bay basin.

“For Sophie and Louen, this marks the beginning of their Nautilus marine conservation journey with us and we welcome them to the Nautilus Family,” a spokesman for The Nautilus Project said.

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