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Changes in line-up as Liberal Party confirms election slate

Liberal Party leader Dr Joseph Garcia earlier this week. Photo by Johnny Bugeja

The Liberal Party announced its three election candidates on Tuesday afternoon, with Steven Linares stepping aside after three terms in office.

Mr Linares will be succeeded on the Liberal slate by paramedic Leslie Bruzon, who will stand alongside party leader Dr Joseph Garcia and Vijay Daryanani.

“This followed the decision by Mr Steven Linares to stand aside from the process and retire as an MP from Parliament,” a spokesperson for the Liberal Party said.

“The party is very grateful to Mr Linares for over 20 years of public service as an MP both in Government and in Opposition.”

The announcement means the full alliance slate for the October 12 election will be Fabian Picardo, Sir Joe Bossano, Dr John Cortes, Christian Santos, Gemma Vasquez, Nigel Feetham and Pat Orfila for the GSLP, and Dr Garcia, Mr Daryanani and Mr Bruzon for the Liberal Party.

Dr Garcia said: “Steven has been more than a political colleague. He is a close friend."

"We have worked together in the Liberal Party, in Opposition in Parliament and in Government too. His record in office has been magnificent where he has led on and delivered a whole range of new sporting facilities for the people of Gibraltar to enjoy."

"I am deeply proud of everything that he has done. I am personally very grateful for his dedicated, unstinting and devoted service to the public and the party. Steven has for many decades always put Gibraltar first.”

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