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Treasure hunt mixes art education and fun

Young pupils at Governor’s Meadow First School had an interactive treasure hunt on local art and history at the Mario Finlayson Gallery yesterday.

The children spent the morning at City Hall learning about the art and solving the clues to find their treasure.


The treasure hunt forms part of the Youth Arts Jamboree organised by the Gibraltar Cultural Services.


Another treasure hunt will be held on Tuesday 19 February in different art galleries through Casemates, Irish Town and John Mackintosh Square.

Schools, youth groups and individuals are welcome to join in.


The Youth Arts Jamboree will begin on February 18, and the programme of events includes a Gibraltar Museum guided tour, visits to the Mayor’s Parlour, workshops on music, art, drama and creative writing, and a tour of the Northern Defences.

The Jamboree will culminate with World Book Day at the John Mackintosh Hall on March 7.


For more information on the events contact Cultural Services on 20075669.

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