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Gibraltar Horticultural Society helps children grow

The Gibraltar Horticultural Society is encouraging entrants for multiple categories of their Spring Flower Show junior section.

The categories open for entrants include poster design, flower arrangements, miniature gardens, natural display with fruit and vegetables, pot plant cultivation, build a scarecrow, pressed flower design and ‘grow your own food’.

Further information regarding to Spring Flower Show can be found on the Society’s Facebook page or from the reception desk at the John Mackintosh Hall.

The Society has a long-standing commitment to support and encourage schools to ensure gardening continues to contribute to children’s learning and to promote a healthy and overall well being in pupils.

For many years the GHS has had the ‘Grow Your Own Food Campaign’ which has seen many schools develop their school playgrounds or other areas of their school, into potential gardens as a natural and sustainable resource and adding huge benefits to pupils including social and emotional development.

“School gardens help our children grow stronger, keep happier and healthier lives, especially in a place like Gibraltar that green areas are few and far between,” said Annabelle Mor Codali from the Society.

GHS has a dedicated education committee member who liaises with schools to support and advise them in any gardening endeavours the children wish to undertake.

“The creative nature of gardening is an exciting way of motivating pupils in their learning and giving them ownership of their project,” said Mrs Mor Codali.

“Putting gardening into schools could have real benefits for society, and can enrich the curriculum by teaching children life skills and aiding emotional and physical health.”

“Flower Arranging and gardening develops practical life activity for children developing independence and logical thought and creating positive lifelong habits.”

“Children’s confidence, self-esteem is improved and can give them a sense of responsibility as well as fostering positive behaviour. Hopefully we will create active citizens of the future, to develop their full potential in an actively changing world and making a positive contribution to our society as a whole.”

As part of this drive the GHS is actively introducing children’s workshops in a bid to create more opportunities for children.

“Our most recent workshop was on flower arranging led by Ann Balestrino and Emily Borg both long standing members of the GHS and very experienced in the art of flower arranging,” Mrs Mor Codali said.

“Our instructors demonstrated the art of flower arranging to a class of 23 with ages ranging from four to 12.”

The children where encouraged to choose their own colour schemes but with the necessary instructions for the children to complete the task.

All the children were presented with a certificate of attendance and encouraged to try a new arrangement at home once the current flowers died.

It was soon apparent to the adults present that the children all had their own ideas of how they wanted their creations to look and they came away with some beautifully arranged pots.

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