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Action4Schools completes 107th water well honoring legacy of late donors

Action4schools charity announced its 107th water well in Sierra Leone's Bandajuma Village, funded by the late Dr and Mrs Bacarese-Hamilton through Wellfound Charity UK, leaving a lasting legacy for the community.

Jimmy Bruzon, founder of the charity explained that the donation for this well was received in May 2023, but that due to the rainy season and the backlog of water wells that needed to be provided, the well was not completed until early 2024 which coincided with Dr and Mrs Bacarese-Hamilton’s passing.

“Regrettably Dr and Mrs Bacarese-Hamilton did not see the water well serving the community,” he said.

“They had requested that their donation remain anonymous however, their family are happy to share this touching story and they are pleased that their parents have left a permanent legacy which will hopefully serve many thousands of people in Bandajuma over the years.”

The well is called BH Well and a video by the residents of the village, which has a population of 650 people, was produced where they thanked the family as well as Action4Schools.

“We are very grateful and the people of Bandajuma are very grateful for your support and your kindness in providing a safe drinking water,” said a spokesperson on the video.

The old water source is also shown in the video, here children walked “a long distance” through the bush and grass to reach a small pond with dirty water.

They described the situation there as “desperate”.

Collecting water in black buckets they walk back to the village.

Mabintu Kanu a mother in the village said: “We say many thanks to Action4Schools for providing us with pure drinking water.”

“Before we used to go fetch water we struggled a lot and it is far from the village.”

Another village resident also thanked Action4Schools for the “great opportunity” it has brought to Bandajuma.

Anyone wanting to contribute to the charity’s water projects are encouraged to connect with the charity via whatsapp number 57631000, or set up a monthly standing order to the charity account Action4schools-Sierra Leone, NatWest, Sort Code 60-60-60, Account 48084352.

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