Bluefin tuna season closes
Archive image of a Bluefin tuna caught in Gibraltar waters. REUTERS/Jon Nazca
A local sports fisherman hauls a Bluefin tuna on board his vessel just days before the close of this year's season.
As of noon yesterday, fishing for Bluefin tuna is no longer allowed in British Gibraltar territorial waters, the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Climate Change.
This year's season was closed after fishermen filled this year's quota, which had been increased to 16.7 tonnes.
The move was welcomed by anglers, who say the tuna fishery has recovered globally in recent years and that local sports fishing is sustainable and has a negligible impact on the species.
But conservation groups insist this remains a species that is under pressure from fishing, adding that most of Gibraltar's quota is caught by a small group of anglers.
Conservation campaigners have also expressed concern that much of the catch in Gibraltar is sold despite the fact there is no framework for commercial Bluefin fishing.