Chronicle supports Spring Festival short story competition

The Gibraltar Chronicle is once again supporting the annual short story competition organised as part of the Gibraltar Spring Festival.
The competition, which is organised by the Gibraltar Cultural Services, is open to both Gibraltarians and residents of Gibraltar who may submit one piece of work, in any subject.
There will be four categories as follows; school years 4 to 7 (250 – 350 words), school years 8 to 11 (450 – 550 words), school years 12 to 13 (500 – 1000 words) and adults (must not exceed 1000 words)
The winning entries will be printed in the Gibraltar Chronicle. The overall winner will receive the Ministry of Culture prize of £300 and a trophy. Additionally, the winner in each category will receive a £50 voucher and a pen kindly donated by the Gibraltar Chronicle, plus a trophy from the Ministry of Culture.
Entry forms and full conditions are available from: Schools and The Gibraltar College, the Department of Education, 23 Queensway, Gibraltar Cultural Services, 308 Main Street and online at
The closing date for receipt of entries is Monday March 21.
For any enquiry please contact the Events Department, Gibraltar Cultural Services, 308 Main Street, Gibraltar, Tel: 200 67236 or e-mail: