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Chronicle’s Eyleen Gomez has a ‘trim’, raising over £1,100 for cancer charity

Johnny Bugeja

Chronicle reporter Eyleen Gomez has raised over £1,100 for Breast Cancer Support Gibraltar by chopping 15 inches off her long hair.

As part of Eyleen’s ‘Whoppers and Wigs Fundraiser’ the hair will be donated to The Little Princess Trust.

This charity provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment and other conditions.

Niclas Ott, a stylist at Mayfair on Main, was trusted with the scissors on Friday afternoon and created a new look that Ms Gomez loves, not believing the transformation.

Ms Gomez had expected to be emotional when it came to lopping off the locks she had been growing for over a decade.

But instead, she was delighted by the fact she had surpassed the £1,000 mark with a donation from members of the Carpe Diem Running Club which was waiting for her at the salon.

In addition, the hair salon itself asked for its fee to be donated and other donations from clients and stylists were also received.

“I am overwhelmed about the support I have received, I never expected to raise so much,” she said.

“The generosity of people that have no doubt been financially affected by Covid-19 in some shape or form is heartwarming.”

“Thank you to all who donated. Breast Cancer Support Gibraltar is truly a worthy charity that does so much for women here on the Rock and they deserve every penny you have donated.”

Donations are still being accepted and can be made by paying directly into the charity’s bank account.


Account number : 10216701

Sort code : 40-51-78

Please use the reference: EyleenWWF

For more details on the fundraiser go to

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