CM moves motion recognising ‘1967 Referendum, National Day and self-determination’
Chief Minister Fabian Picardo will give notice this week of a Motion that he intends to move in this session of Parliament on the 1967 Referendum, National Day and self-determination.
The Motion will declare that in the spirit of the 1967 Referendum, the future of Gibraltar can only be freely and democratically determined by the people of Gibraltar in exercise of their right to self-determination.
The Motion calls on Parliament to welcome the events that have been organised to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum. It further states that National Day is an assertion of our right to self-determination and welcomes the return of the political rally to Casemates Square from John Mackintosh Square in 2012.
It also acknowledges the spontaneous action of the people of Gibraltar to dress in red and white during that day.
The Motion will urge Parliament to take the view that it is essential that a number of Members of the UK and European Parliaments should be invited to Gibraltar, more particularly during National Day.
The Motion in full reads: “This House: Notes that 10 September 2017 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum when the people of Gibraltar voted overwhelmingly to retain their links with the United Kingdom; welcomes the events that have been organised to commemorate this important anniversary; considers that National Day celebrates the Referendum but is also an assertion of our right to self-determination; further welcomes that the National Day rally returned from John Mackintosh Square to Casemates in 2012; acknowledges the enthusiasm of members of the public spontaneously dressing in the colours of the Gibraltar flag, red and white, on that day; believes that it is essential that a number of Members of the UK and the European Parliaments should be invited to Gibraltar during the year and more particularly on National Day itself; and therefore declares, in the spirit of the 1967 Referendum, that the future of Gibraltar can only be freely and democratically determined by the people of Gibraltar in exercise of their right to self-determination.