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Couples likely to delay getting married in the wake of coronavirus – UK report

By Alan Jones, PA Industrial Correspondent

Couples are likely to delay getting married in the wake of coronavirus, as by the time social distancing rules are lifted it might be too late in the year for many weddings to happen, according to a report.

Law firm Boodle Hatfield said couples were already deciding to marry later in life as more women were waiting until they were well established in their careers.

The delay has led to the average age gap between men and women at marriage narrowing to 2.3 years, down from 2.6 years in 2007, it was suggested.

Emily Brand, a partner at Boodle Hatfield, said: “It wouldn’t be surprising to see a lot of couples delay marriages in the wake of coronavirus. Gearing up for a wedding can be an enormous undertaking requiring months of planning.

“By the time social distancing rules are lifted, we might be too late in the year for many weddings to happen.

“Add in the financial burden caused by furloughs and job losses, and a lot of people might decide getting married in 2021 is a better option.”

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