Covid-19 isolation period reduced to five days from Thursday
The isolation period for anyone testing positive for Covid-19 will be reduced to five days as from Thursday this week, not counting the day of the positive test result.
The decision was announced by the Gibraltar Government on the advice of the Director of Public Health, Dr Helen Carter.
The isolation rules require Covid-19 positive cases to self-isolate until day five subject to a negative lateral flow test on that day.
Any individual who tests positive on day five must continue to self-isolate and test on subsequent days until a such time as they test negative or reach day 10 of self-isolation.
The Director of Public Health, Dr Helen Carter, said: “I am delighted to have been able to advise the Government to reduce the self-isolation period to five days.”
“This is possible due to the low prevalence of Covid-19 in our community at this time.”
“It is still also a more conservative policy to that in the UK but one which I feel is more appropriate for a close and densely populated community like Gibraltar.”
“I would like to remind the public that although we are in a far better position, Covid-19 still exists and people should continue to remain aware of the symptoms and take a test if they feel they might be contracting the virus.”