Dignity at Work Group ‘concerned’ over RGP survey
The Dignity at Work Working Group has expressed its concern over the recently published survey taken of the Royal Gibraltar Police.
The group (DAWWG) comprises of Dignity at Work Now, Unite the Union, Gibraltar General and Clerical Association and Gibraltar NASUWT and have has been working in furthering and improving the dignity at work of all employees in Gibraltar.
“The results of a survey taken of the Royal Gibraltar Police Force were recently published by the Police Federation. We congratulate them for having done so and welcome their initiative in having taken that important first step,” read a group statement.
“The results are very concerning and should not be taken lightly,” the statement added.
The group believe that it is of vital importance for those at the helm to reassure the police force that effective measures will be put in place, in keeping with their duty of care and best practise, to address the issue.
It also believes that the RGP need to allay any concerns the public at large may have, insofar as to how this situation within the RGP may be affecting policing in general.
“The issue of bullying is a very serious one and if, as a society, we continue to dismiss or trivialise the devastating effects bullying carries with it, we will be doing this at a cost - a cost to individuals, their families, their friends, colleagues, the industry and to our society as a whole,” said the group statement.
Additionally, the DAWWG expressed its support and assistance to the Gibraltar Police Federation, the RGP and GPA.
“Bullying is not going to go away and we as a Nation must wipe it out,” the group said.