DPC defers decision on Continental project
The decision for the proposed demolition of the existing continental hotel at 1 Engineer Lane – better known as The Continental Hotel - and the construction of a seven-story building with 22 apartments was deferred.
Concerns were raised regarding the design of the building and how it was not in keeping with the area or incorporating Gibraltar’s style.
“It looks like a building that could be placed anywhere in the world,” said one Commission member.
The representative for the developer said they are aware it is a “unapologetic modern design” but felt that designs of each era are important and we cannot just have colonial style designs.
Some members of the Commission were concerned that should permission for demolition be granted the subsequent building would not be erected, giving what happened at the Old Risso Bakery as an example.
The representative aimed to assure the Commission that the developers 50 years of experience of developing project around the world he has never not completed one.
The development is billed as affordable housing, but the representative was not able to give a price and directed the Commission to speak to the estate agent of the developer. One Commission members commented, “if less than 30 metres squared is not affordable then we truly are doomed.”
The developer will take on board all the comments made and return in front of the Commission on a future date.
The application for the revised plans for the proposed extension to balconies on front façade of Pelham House, Buena Vista Estate was refused at this week’s meeting of the Development and Planning Commission.
Votes were cast for the project and went 50:50 with the Chairman having the deciding vote.
The main concern for the members of the Commission was that it would set a precedent for the estate and if other blocks applied using the same design green areas would be lost due to the location of columns.
No green area was affected by the Pelham House application.
The application for the proposed development at Redroofs, 29 Devils Tower Road, for a branded hotel/aparthotel with 184 apartments gained approval.
The retrospective application for a 20 metre by 8 metre octopus mural at 7-8 Richardsons Passage was approved.
But, the approval did not come without a word of warning from the DPC about painting murals without gaining planning permission to do so beforehand.
It was noted how wonderfully executed the mural was and that there has been no negative comments regarding it, in fact the opposite.
One member said: “I love it.”
It was highlighted that the first time it was before the Commission was when other events happened, naming the graffiti wall at Ince’s Hall, which was controversial.
This prompted another member to say: “If you want to compare them, now that’s entertainment,” pointing to the mural of the octopus.
The application for the retrospective application for maintenance of rock works/sea defence bund for Queensway Quay Marina, was refused.
The structure now needs to be removed and reinstated with natural rock.