DPC refuse construction hours extension

An application to extend the construction hours at the site of the Naval Grounds from 8pm to 10pm was refused yesterday at the latest meeting of the Development and Planning Commission. The application for the extension was so the developer could make use of the additional daylight hours the summer months provide. But this was refused because of the need to preserve the quality of living for nearby residents and the laws in place concerning hours ensuring this does not happen.
The developers did, however, gain full planning permission for Buildings D and E of the development. Building D will have three floors of commercial space and the remaining floors will be residential. Block E is entirely a commercial block.
A sundeck that can be utilised by residents will link Building D with Building C.
A lift that faces the courtyard will be glazed and will have a vertical water feature behind it. In addition a selection of various stones and plants will form the landscaping.
Some of the environmental aspect of the buildings will see a central hot water system that will be heated by photovoltaic panels and rain water which will be harvested.
Construction of an extension which creates a roof terrace, a new external lift shaft and front entrance lobby and other external alterations at 5C Library Ramp gained approval at yesterday’s meeting of the DPC due to special circumstances.
During the meeting, the applicant addressed the commission explaining the need for an external lift shaft – which was a concern of the commission. The applicant explained the house would be home to a disabled person who is unable to use a chair lift.
Due to the nature of the medical condition, the applicant said there were two options either to remain housebound or to remain permanently in hospital. Nobody, commented the applicant, wanted that to happen.
Approval was given when the majority voted in favour of the project with only two opting to refuse it and one abstaining. The reason why permission was given will also be recorded for future reference.
A new tea rooms on Main Street received permission to have some tables and chairs outside the premises following an objection. These will need to be kept beside the façade of the building.
However, permission was refused to alter the exterior of the shop.
Objections to The Tea Leaf having tables stemmed from concerns that users of the footpath would have to go onto the pedestrian road that is frequently used by commercial vehicles up to 11am and occasionally used after that time.
Concerns rose for those partially blind, people with mobility issues, wheelchair users and adults with children.
The objector said the pavements along Main Street are already cluttered with tables and chairs, planters or A-boards.
“Main Street is becoming an obstacle course.”
The discussion brought up the fact that vehicle access until 11am in a pedestrian area could be an issue and it is something that could be reviewed. Some members of the commission believed that pedestrians not vehicles should have priority when thinking of Main Street. Others noted that many cities manage to impose stricter times.