E-Billing for housing tenants
If every Government housing tenant took up e-billing to pay their monthly rent bills it would save 120,000 pieces of paper per year, the Gibraltar Government said as it urged tenants to consider switching to this more environmentally friendly initiative.
This is in line with the Government’s Go Green campaign to preserve and protect the environment, in addition to its e-government drive.
Tenants who reside in Government rental accommodation have the option to receive their bills electronically as a modern alternative to the standard printed paper bill sent which is posted monthly.
Quite apart from being quicker and more environmentally friendly, the e-billing option is also more cost effective and less labour and resource intensive.
All existing and new Housing tenants are being encouraged to register for this option. The Government said Housing Department staff will be available to assist in setting up the e-billing facility for tenants.
Any tenant wishing to subscribe to this initiate can email the Housing Department housing@gibraltar.gov.gi
To date, over 900 Government tenants have taken up this option.
Minister for Housing, Samantha Sacramento said: "As an environmentally friendly government we are keen introduce paperless operating systems across the board and this includes communication with our tenants, we therefore encourage email billing as an alternative to receiving a paper copy by mail as part of this drive.”
“Our initiative is working well and since we started, about one fifth of our tenants have engaged and taken this up, we would of course like for more tenants to take up this environmentally friendly measure.”
“It may sound like a small thing but if all tenants were to take this up then it would mean almost 5,000 less bills printed and 5,000 less envelopes per month since we started this initiative, that’s 60,000 of each per year.”