ESG welcomes Juniper’s comments on fossil fuel trade
The ESG has stated it heartening to hear Tony Juniper’s recommendations for Gibraltar to diversify from its trade in fossil fuels for bunkering of ships and other vehicle fuel sales.
“It was an important moment for the ESG to meet with Tony Juniper at the Aspire Conference, a major trailblazer for the environment for decades, and an inspiration for action,” said a statement from the ESG.
“In his Chronicle interview it was heartening to hear his recommendations to Gibraltar as to the need to diversity from our trade in fossil fuels for bunkering of ships and other vehicle fuel sales.”
They stated that this trade accounts for approximately 90% of Gibraltar’ overall greenhouse gas emissions total.
This, they said, is a big issue for the group which has campaigned for years to see this major greenhouse gas contributor feature far more prominently on Gibraltar’s climate target aspirations.
"Overall, his reflections and comments were spot on”, says a spokesperson for the ESG, "and we hope he will continue to visit Gibraltar and hopefully see us rise to the challenges laid before us.