Feetham visits RSM Gibraltar offices
The Minister for Justice, Trade, and Industry, Nigel Feetham, recently visited the offices of RSM Gibraltar, at their invitation.
RSM Gibraltar is a key component of RSM International, a global professional network with nearly 60 full-time employees locally. RSM Gibraltar offers professional services in accountancy, audit, fund administration, tax, and fiduciary.
The visit is part of his outreach program to local financial sector firms.
During his visit, Mr Feetham engaged in a “lengthy, candid, and enjoyable discussion” with the firm’s team of Directors, who expressed their appreciation for his time and interest, said a statement from the Government.
The conversation covered Gibraltar’s regulatory landscape and the Ministry’s approach to fostering innovation in the financial sectors.
Mr Feetham also “toured the company’s offices, interacted directly with all staff members, and participated in a meeting with Filipino nationals who contribute significantly to RSM Gibraltar’s success,” the statement added.
RSM Gibraltar CEO, Moe Cohen, said the company were delighted that despite his very busy schedule, Mr Feetham was able to meet the team and get a real feel for what they do.
“We have quietly grown from a small family firm into one of the Rock’s leading professional services firms, with an inclusive, diverse workforce, and we are keenly aware that both our clients and our staff are our most important assets,” he said.
“We are very proud of the firm’s continued growth and warmly welcome Minister Feetham’s and the wider Government’s acknowledgement of our values and integrity, and of our shared vision for excellence.”
Mr Feetham said he was delighted to visit RSM as part of his outreach program and to have the opportunity to speak not only with the management team but also with the entire workforce.
“It is gratifying to see how a firm that started as a small local organisation can grow and become a significant employer,” he said.