Frontline staff training on disability awareness for all staff at the Housing Department
The Ministry of Equality delivered disability awareness training to all Housing Department staff last week.
This training was a continuation of the training already delivered by the Ministry of Equality to Government Departments, Agencies and Authorities.
A number of departments have already benefitted from this training including the Gibraltar Tourist Board, Cultural Services, the Ministry for Transport, the Gibraltar Bus Company and the Department of the Environment.
Jason Belilo, Equality Development officer from the Ministry of Equality and Calum Couper from Human Resources delivered the training to the Housing Department officers.
The two officers underwent a ‘Train the Trainer’ course early last year and were certified by the UK Charity, Attitude is Everything to deliver training on disability awareness.
Further disability awareness training has been programmed during the course of the year.
The Minister for Equality, Samantha Sacramento, said: “I am very pleased with the realisation of this training programme, we are committed to ensure that Government is as prepared as possible when it delivers its services to all its customers and this also includes persons with disabilities.”
“The training is going at a fast pace with a total of 174 people having already been trained internally with more training already planned for the coming months.”
“It is very gratifying to see that frontline staff are responding very well to the training being provided.”
“With the delivery of this training we also take a big step in raising awareness of the different types of disabilities."