GACO launches Professional Compliance Certificate
The Gibraltar Association of Compliance Officers (GACO) has launched a new, Gibraltar-specific, Compliance Certificate in Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Combatting Terrorism (CTF) and Combatting Proliferation Financing (CPF).
This Certificate will be open to everyone and is particularly recommended for individuals working within professional compliance and risk areas, as it seeks to recognise and improve the legislative and operational AML, CTF and CPF frameworks in Gibraltar.
“For the first time, and to support the Certificate, a Gibraltar Compliance Manual on applicable legislative provisions and regulatory expectations has been prepared in a format of easily digestible topics,” GACO said.
The book was written by David Parody, who holds wealth of experience in compliance and regulatory matters and also acts as the representative of Gibraltar’s National Co-ordinator on AML/CFT/CPF.
“I had largely written a book on the subject as a means of keeping my own notes and learning up to date which I was planning to self-publish when I was approached by GACO to see if I could write the course material for the Certificate,” Mr Parody said.
“The book naturally dovetailed into GACO’s objectives as well as being a stand-alone reference book on the subject matter.”
The book will be provided to all participants following registration for the Certificate.
To obtain the Certificate, participants will be expected to undertake an exam consisting of 30 multiple choice questions to be completed in 1.5 hours (with a pass mark of 70% correct answers required).
Candidates will have two attempts to pass the exam in a period of 6 months, with an appeal process also in place.
The Certificate will be valid for two years from issuing, and the fee will be set at £80 for GACO Members and £110 for Non-Members per candidate (this will also include a free hard copy of the Gibraltar Compliance Manual).
“There is a huge pent-up demand for Gibraltar-centric compliance training and qualifications and we are very proud to be leading the field in this respect,” Carlos Martins, GACO’s Chairperson said.
“The Certificate will be able to be recognised by employers and regulators as validation of the professional work conducted by the local Compliance workforce.”
He added: “Prospective candidates should not be lured by the multiple choice examination as an easy way to a qualification. Attempting the exam without first having thoroughly studied the course material text would be a foolhardy exercise, even for the more experienced compliance officers. There is a pool of approximately 130 questions and each person will get a different randomised set, each time they sit their exam. And 3 minutes per question goes by very quickly.”
Details of the Certificate and registration forms can be viewed at the Association website or requested by sending an email to