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GAMPA scoops three awards at British National Drama Festival

GAMPA scooped three awards at the British National Drama Festival held in Coventry in England last week.

GAMPA represented Gibraltar at the event, as the successful winners of the Gibraltar International Drama Festival 2023, with its original play, Signed Me, written by Christian Santos and Hannah Mifsud.

GAMPA received two awards for Outstanding Festival Contribution and the Best Backstage Team.

The team also won second place in the playwriting award for the Best New Play.

Minister for Culture Dr John Cortes congratulated GAMPA for its achievements.

“On behalf of His Majesty’s Government and the people of Gibraltar, I would publicly like to congratulate GAMPA on yet another successful result at an international competition,” Dr Cortes said.

“I am very proud to have been able to be present at this event, and witness such an amazing, outstanding, and incredible performance.”

“The play was both brilliant and emotional, with excellent acting by all the players.”

“Once again, another hugely proud moment for Gibraltarian Culture and for Gibraltar as a whole.”

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