GFSB invites applications for Business Innovation Awards
The Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses is inviting applications for the 2023 GFSB Business Innovation Award.
Recent winners have included DigiDemics, Crucial Compliance, EBike Gibraltar, Hempassion and, which the GFSB said all demonstrated how businesses in Gibraltar are agile, forward thinking and superb at innovating to succeed.
The awards for sponsored by Gibtelecom and the company will be giving the winner a prize of £2,000 worth of IT and communications equipment and in addition the GFSB are offering a year's free advertising in the Intouch Magazine to further promote their winning business.
“We believe we will see just as many if not more pioneering businesses apply for the 2023 prestigious GFSB Business Innovation Awards,” the GFSD said.
“We look forward to seeing what great concepts and innovations our members have come up with to drive their businesses forward, ensuring ongoing success, growth and stability.”
The online application form can be found on the GFSB website with the deadline for applications need on Friday, March 31.