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Gib and La Linea explore cross-border cultural opportunities

The Ministry of Culture and the Concejalia de Cultura in La Linea’s city council will explore creating a cross-border group to foment joint cultural activities.

The Minister for Culture, Dr John Cortes, yesterday met with Encarnación Sánchez, culture councillor in La Línea, and Mario Fernández, La Linea’s Deputy Mayor, to discuss ways in which Gibraltar and La Linea could collaborate through culture for the benefit of their citizens and artistic communities. 

Dr Cortes was accompanied by Gibraltar Cultural Services CEO, Seamus Byrne and Lianne Ignacio representing the Ministry of Culture. 

As part of the new initiatives discussed, an art exhibition depicting the works of Gustavo Bacarisas and Cruz Herrera could be a project for 2022 featuring both the Gustavo Bacarisas Gallery and the Museo de Cruz Herrera, a spokesman for No.6 Convent Place said. 

Other possibilities and exchanges were also discussed in literature, photography, and dance amongst other cultural genres, as well as the cross-border cultural group. 


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