Gibraltar cannot be ignored in Brexit, Liberal International says
Gibraltar’s “resounding vote” to remain in the EU cannot be ignored and must be taken into account in forthcoming Brexit negotiations, the Congress of Liberal International agreed at a meeting in Andorra.
Liberal International is the global federation of Liberal political parties, of which the Liberal Party of Gibraltar is a full voting member. The congress brought together 200 delegates from 56 countries.
The statement came about in a composite resolution adopted by the congress and entitled ‘The World Today’, covering current affairs around the globe.
The resolution stated: “Liberal International welcomes that 96% of the electorate in Gibraltar voted to remain in the European Union in the referendum that took place to determine UK membership.”
“LI considers that such a resounding vote in favour of the European project cannot be ignored and urges those responsible to ensure that the concerns of Gibraltar are taken into account in the coming negotiations.”
The Liberal Party was represented in the congress by Troy Jeffries.
Commenting on the matter, Liberal Leader Dr Joseph Garcia, who is also the Deputy Chief Minister, said: "It is good to see an acknowledgement that the views of the people of Gibraltar must be listened to and our concerns taken into account.”
“This is part of the continuing strategy of explaining our position to as wide a cross-section of politicians and parliamentarians as possible.”