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Gibraltar Gambling Division consumer warning

The Gibraltar Gambling Division have issued a consumer warning in respect of the gambling website

This is as a result of receiving consumer complaints about this website. Consumers have been tempted to the website by large and probably false bonus offers.

A footer, which wrongly uses the Government of Gibraltar logo and a fictitious “GB” licence number is completely false and misleading

The website encourages documents to be uploaded to a site which could be used to steal identity. The address given purports to be in La Linea (Spain) A number of B2B suppliers are named as games suppliers, but again that may be misleading and the site may be using stolen IP/code and illegally cloning game content.

Enquiries are continuing.

Gambling Commissioner, Andrew Lyman stated that “From time to time, illegal sites try to obtain credibility by claiming that they are licensed in Gibraltar. Their aim is to lull consumers into a false sense of security and we would encourage all consumers to carry out due diligence and to avoid providing any details where there are doubts about licensed status.”

Licensed status can be checked on the website

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