Gibraltarian writer Mark Sanchez lectures at University of Barcelona
Gibraltarian writer M. G. Sanchez was recently invited to deliver two lectures at the University of Barcelona.
His first lecture – ‘Border tensions, cultural hybridity and the representation of Gibraltarian identity’ – took place on 22 October.
Mr Sanchez’s talk was part of the Tricontinental Lectures programme, a series of lectures started in 2011 by the University of Barcelona to incorporate interventions by speakers of diverse academic and cultural backgrounds.
Two speakers were invited to deliver this month’s Tricontinental Lectures, Mr Sanchez and the highly regarded Australian poet Peter Bakowski.
The next day, Mr Sanchez was invited to speak before the students and professors of the University’s MA in the Construction and Representation of Cultural Identity (Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals).
His visit was jointly organised by the Centre for Australian and Transnational Studies and the International Academic Forum.