Gibraltar’s threat level remains unchanged after Algeciras attack
Gibraltar’s threat level has remained unchanged after Gibraltar Contingency Council (GCC) reviewed the situation in light of the recent attack in Algeciras.
The meeting, held at No 6 Convent Place to review security and civil contingency matters, was co-chaired by the Governor, Sir David Steel and Government Minister John Cortes, representing the Chief Minister, and it was attended by the Minister for Civil Contingencies Samantha Sacramento.
Following the meeting the GCC determined that there is no threat to Gibraltar in relation to that incident.
The GCC reiterated Gibraltar’s condolences to the family and friends of the victims, and its solidarity with the people of Algeciras.
In opening, the Governor, expressed on behalf of the meeting, sympathies for all those suffering the tragedy that is unfolding in Turkey and Syria.
The GCC assessed that there was no change in the threat level with a terrorist attack remaining as not likely and there is no specific intelligence to suggest a direct threat to Gibraltar.
The GCC reflected on the events of the last few months which has seen the Emergency Services and other responding partners deal with a number of significant incidents including the fire at the Power’s Drive Tunnel and the impact this had on AquaGib’s water production operations, the OS 35 collision with Adam LNG vessel and the death of Queen Elizabeth.
It was agreed that the work of the Emergency Services in response to these significant and overlapping situations was exemplary and a credit to Gibraltar.
The GCC said it will continue to closely monitor threat intelligence as it relates to Gibraltar, and Gibraltar’s Law Enforcement Agencies will continue to take the necessary measures to keep the Public safe.
“As ever, the Public is asked to remain vigilant and to report any security and law enforcements concerns to the Royal Gibraltar Police.,” the GCC said.