‘Give water, give life’ urge Action 4 Schools
Local residents can give the gift of water to those in need in Sierra Leone with a monthly donation, Action 4 Schools has said.
With a tag line of “Give Water – Give Life, £12 a month that’s all it will cost you” the charity are once again highlighting not only the regular need for fresh clean water to people living in the country but at a time of Covid-19 water for hand washing is lifesaving on another level.
“Water tanks are often the only source of clean water if it is not possible to provide water wells due to the rocky terrain and therefore many schools and communities rely on either piped water or water tanks,” a spokesman for the charity said.
“Often schools and communities that the tanks serve are not able to pay water bills and tanks remain dry so we try and provide where possible, extreme poverty has extreme consequences.”
The charity shows photographs on its website and social media of where the children need to collect water if the tanks are dry or if there is no water tank.
The water source is visibly dirty, muddy and has rubbish strewn in it.
“This is where children collect their water… lets put a stop to this,” the charity appealed.
According to Action 4 Schools it costs around 500,000 Leones (£12) a month to fill up a tank and provide water for hundreds of children and the community as a whole. A water bill for Church of Christ school in Regent Village dated January 2021 shows this.
“It costs £12 a month to provide water to a school. Please consider setting up a regular standing order and help us provide clean water to more needy schools,” said a charity spokesperson.
“With your support we have built water tank towers at various schools… Church of Christ School, Joy Primary School, Lady Patricia Kabbah School, Junior Secondary School, Ivor Leigh Kaningo School, Heaven Homes school Newton. Please help us to provide more tanks and to fill up water tanks for needy schools and desperate communities, you can save a life with as little as £12 a month.”
“We will turn your financial support into real, positive change, 100% guaranteed,” they added.
Donations to Action 4 Schools can be made via
Account 48084352 – Sort Code 60-60-60