GONHS has reservations over Lathbury stadium plan
GONHS has expressed concern about the GFA's plans to develop a football stadium at Lathbury.
The plan would require the MOD to release some areas of land on Windmill Hill Flats.
“Windmill Hill Flats, a site that is included under the EU Habitats Directive as a Special Area of Conservation, is an extremely important habitat that is part of the Gibraltar Nature Reserve,” GONHS said.
“The importance of the habitats on Windmill Hill Flats to Gibraltar's biodiversity cannot be overstated.”
“Not least, the site is the stronghold for the Barbary Partridge on the Rock. Any encroachment onto the site would threaten to seriously compromise the site's ecology.”
“A proposed development at the site would require a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) under Gibraltar planning law and an Appropriate Assessment (AA) under European Law.”
“These would need to consider the full spectrum of the site's ecological assets, from plants and invertebrates to birds and foraging bats.”
“GONHS would oppose any development that threatens the boundaries and integrity of the Gibraltar Nature Reserve.”