Government will send young Gibraltarians to Commonwealth Youth Parliament
The Gibraltar Government will be fund two young people from Gibraltar to attend the 10th Commonwealth Youth Parliament in Delhi, India, later this year.
The government said this was part of its policy of increasing Gibraltar’s links with the Commonwealth ahead of withdrawal from the European Union.
Youngsters from Gibraltar attended the last meeting of the Commonwealth Youth Parliament that took place in Jersey, the first time that Gibraltar was represented.
The Commonwealth Youth Parliament is designed to demonstrate to future young parliamentarians the role and purpose of parliaments. It will provide those selected with an invaluable insight and experience.
“Gibraltar sent representatives to the Commonwealth Youth Parliament in Jersey and to the Commonwealth Youth Forum in London last year,” said Deputy Chief Minister Dr Joseph Garcia.
“The young people who attended came back buzzing with ideas and were delighted with the experience that was afforded to them.”
"The Government is fully committed to developing our relationship with the Commonwealth and this is part of a wider strategy in many other different areas.”
“This year, the annual visit of sixth formers to Brussels has been changed to London instead, and they will visit the organisations and institutions of the Commonwealth as part of the programme.”
“Gibraltar is proud of our long and historic relationship with the Commonwealth and we will continue our work to cement those links further still.”
The selection will be made through an essay competition which opens today and closes at 9.00am on Friday 13 September.
The 500 word essay should be on the theme“Why the Commonwealth is important to Gibraltar”.
Those interested are invited to submit their entry to before the deadline.