Govt blasts Together Gibraltar’s ‘dangerous drugs experiment’
The Gibraltar Government last night blasted Together Gibraltar’s “dangerous drugs experiment” after the party advocated decriminalising the possession of all drugs in Gibraltar.
In a statement the Government said the public “will be greatly disappointed” at Together Gibraltar’s immediate dismissal of its announcement of a major initiative to combat drug problems.
This comes after Together Gibraltar called for a multi-disciplinary approach with a “more empathetic and less punitive infrastructure” in response to the Government’s drugs initiative.
It also called for the decriminalisation of small quantities of some drugs in order to “free up” resources that can be fuelled into other facilities such as emergency access to the system and other pathways to help with rehabilitation.
The Government said it has engaged a team of experienced professionals to develop a comprehensive strategic approach to the drug problem and vowed to continue to work seriously and diligently in this important area of policy.
“Instead, Together Gibraltar would rather forego professionalism, expertise and evidence-based interventions in favour of turning Gibraltar into a drugs experiment, with unknown and potentially dangerous consequences,” it said.
“This Government will not apply a fingers-crossed-try-it-and-see approach to attacking Gibraltar’s growing drug problem, as Together Gibraltar suggests we should.”
“We think this is dangerous and has not been thought through.”
The Government said this is too important an area for parties to make policies by sitting around and talking about something they read in a newspaper one day.
“That amounts to little more than a chat, not a serious policy,” it added.
Instead, it said, a holistic, professional approach requires the important groundwork to be done first.
“This is what the Government announced.”
“In order to understand drugs and drug use, and to find helpful ways of addressing drug-related problems, there are many different dimensions to consider, including medical, legal, economic, moral, cultural, religious, and public health perspectives,” the Government said adding that Together Gibraltar conveniently ignore these basic tenets of good policymaking.
“Together Gibraltar’s cynical and unnecessarily combative approach in this area does nothing to help or support those who are suffering from the negative impacts of drugs or to promote constructive opposition.”
“Those who rely on the Government’s crucial work in this complex and multifaceted area will see through Together Gibraltar’s simplistic and deliberately vague statements as well as their dangerous proposed experiment to allow possession of all drugs.”
The Government said this is not the direction Gibraltar needs to take.
“It is not safe for our children or our community as a whole. It is not serious policy.”