Govt publishes regulations for November 14 census
Pic by Eyleen Gomez
The Gibraltar Government on Thursday published legislation to conduct a census in Gibraltar on November 14.
The census will seek take a snapshot of everyone present on the Rock on that date, including people who are usually resident here and those who are short-term residents, as well as visitors.
For people who are resident on the Rock, the census will ask questions ranging from age, nationality and religion, to questions on health, employment the mode of travel to work.
Gibraltar will be divided into districts for the purpose of the census. There will be 100 of these districts, each known as an “enumeration area”.
The census will be overseen by a commissioner and each district will be staffed by enumerators, senior census officers and census officers who will collect the data.
The regulations published on Thursday require any person present in Gibraltar on Monday November 14, 2022, to fill out the census form, with a fine of £50 for people who refuse or neglect to comply, or provide false information.
The Gibraltar Government expects to announce detailed practical information on how the census will be conducted closer to the date.
A census is a statistical survey that aims to cover a complete count of the population rather than a sample or cross-section of that population.
According to the government, it is “the largest and most complex statistical exercise” carried out in Gibraltar and usually takes place once every 10 years.
A census serves two main purposes, including providing a sound basis for accurate comparisons in respect of the changes which have taken place over the time period.
Secondly, it aims to provide information that will be useful both to the Government of Gibraltar and to other organisations in formulating policies, in targeting resources more effectively and in planning for future housing, education, health, employment and other needs.
The last census was conducted in 2012, when there were 33,566 people present on census night, of whom 32,194 were usually resident on the Rock.