GSD tables questions ahead of Parliament next week
The GSD has tabled questions on Covid-19, the economy, traffic plans and university grants for the next meeting of Parliament set to be held on May 28.
This meeting will be the first since the Covid-19 lockdown measures were introduced and the GSD will be quizzing the government on a variety of Covid and non-Covid related issues.
Leader of the Opposition Keith Azopardi will raise questions on contact tracing, tests, the proposed reopening of restaurants, how mental well-being issues caused by prolonged isolation will be tackled, the proposed UK 14-day quarantine law and disability issues stemming from the management of the pandemic.
“We have been robustly probing all Covid issues every step of the way during the pandemic both in private with the Government and in public,” Mr Azopardi said in a press statement.
“These questions we have tabled will give important updates on some core pandemic issues as well as provide an opportunity to explore new issues that have arisen and the strategy as to the future.”
“We are glad that Gibraltar is in a position where we can get back to work in Parliament. We are expecting Parliament to get fully back to normal by next month although with new working practices to respect social distancing rules. We cannot wait to get back to work in Parliament.”
In his responsibility for civil contingencies and employment, Daniel Feetham will be asking a number of questions related to the Covid-19 testing programme, swabs and reagents as well as questions on the current BEAT Employment measures and support for employees and business after June 1 and July 1.
He will also raise questions regarding the maritime collision in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters on March 8, 2020.
Environment and Health Shadow, Elliott Phillips, will ask about the contract procurement of PPE, PPE quality assurance, hospital X-Ray and MRI equipment, the proposed road closures, the Line Wall Road scheme, anti-pollution measures, parking fees, air quality monitoring, and cycling among other questions Education, Housing, Culture and Sport spokesman Edwin Reyes has tabled questions on the return of children to schools, special educational needs, the educational, cultural and sporting summer programmes as well as housing repairs.
Mr Reyes and Shadow Finance Minister Roy Clinton have also tabled questions from different perspectives on university maintenance grants.
Damon Bossino, Shadow Financial Services, Tourism and Shipping, will ask about the British Airways connection and the proposed future tourism and financial services strategies as there is an attempt to re-energise the economy.
Mr Clinton has a number of public finances questions relating to the state of reserves, borrowing and debt figures as well as questions on the Hassans Centenary Terraces financing, the future use of the Rooke site and about the existence of a 50:50 Government joint venture with a Chinese construction company.