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GSD underlines need for ‘robust’ remote learning platform

The GSD has reiterated the need for a robust remote learning platform after Year 2 pupils were asked to self-isolate recently when a pupil and an adult tested positive for Covid-19.

The party said it first raised this issue last April when it called for “remote structured learning” for pupils during lockdown.

The GSD said that while it understood that the pandemic had caught governments by surprise, there had now been ample time to plan online equivalent learning in the event of a closure or partial closure of a school.

“In the current climate it is to be expected that there may be more pupils testing positive and cases of isolation, self-isolation of teachers, pupils and close family of pupils,” the GSD said in a statement.

“All of that can affect the traditional and direct delivery of teaching.”

Leader of the Opposition, Keith Azopardi, said: “The whole world is making a transition to remote forms of learning.”

“Gibraltar needs to do the same and where students are unable to attend class they should do so remotely or be able to access a comprehensive and equivalent online learning platform.”

“Anything less short-changes pupils and can compromise their education and their future.”

For his part, the shadow education minister, Edwin Reyes, said: “Our pupils’ learning must be given paramount priority.”

“We are living in unprecedented times which brings many challenges.” “However investment in Education still remains of great importance and, therefore, educationalists and parents must work together to ensure our future generations do not miss out.”

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