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GSLP AGM votes on sovereignty, public finance, housing and leadership

Photo by Eyleen Gomez

A motion reaffirming the GSLP’s red lines on Gibraltar’s sovereignty received unanimous support at the party’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday at a packed Ince’s Hall attended by over 300 people. 

Six members were elected to the party’s executive committee at the AGM. 

There were three motions tabled ranging from sovereignty, housing, and public finance, and Fabian Picardo was re-elected, unopposed, as party leader for a further two years. 

Kaylan Lucas, Natalie Sarantos, Jesse Monteverde, Joe Cortes, Joelle Baglietto, and Tracey Scott were elected into the executive committee. 

The first tabled motion reaffirmed the party’s core value that Gibraltar's National Sovereignty extends to the whole of the territory of the country, its territorial waters and its airspace, as a member of the British Family of Nations. 

It reaffirmed the core value of opposing sovereignty talks with Spain, as it has done in respect of the Strasburg, Lisbon and Brussels Declarations. 

It continued support for the building of mutually beneficial economic co-operation with the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of Morocco and any other country. 

It also supported the seeking of a Treaty with the European Union on border fluidity, in respect of the Schengen Area International Frontier located in the Spanish town of La Linea, subject to the red lines that protect Gibraltar's exclusive jurisdiction over the whole of its territory, as has been made clear in electoral commitments since the departure from the European Union. 

“This Annual General Meeting welcomes and supports the continued growth in the resources of the Gibraltar Savings Bank, which will enable the delivery of sponsored economic development projects under the National Economic Plan to take place and which provides for a greater resilience and self-sufficiency, thus enhancing the security of Gibraltar and its people,” the GSLP said in a statement. 

The motion was proposed by Samuel Marrache and drafted by Sir Joe Bossano and Fabian Picardo. 

It was seconded by Dr John Cortes and passed unanimously. 

A motion by Sir Joe Bossano was also passed which welcomed the steady progress in the public finances with the restoration of financial stability and the “golden rule” on recurrent expenditure achieved in the last financial year which is expected to continue to improve in the current financial year. 

The GSLP said this supports the Government's initiative to improve efficiency across the economy to increase resilience and sustainability as provided for by the National Economic Plan. 

A third motion endorsing the increase in rental property from the rent and repair scheme, as well as the provision of newly introduced home ownership schemes as promised by the party’s manifesto, was also passed. 

Speaking at the end of the meeting, Mr Picardo said: "It's fantastic to see the Ince's Hall so full of members supporting the work of the party in government.” 

“We have passed motions on things that matter to people like housing and public finance and, in particular, the unshakable commitment of the party to the protection of the sovereignty of Gibraltar.” 

“As we go into the final stretches of the negotiation for a future UK EU treaty as a government, it's great to have the party's support for a safe secure and beneficial agreement, should we be able to reach one.” 

“Furthermore, I welcome all new members onto the executive and look forward to working with them in the decision making organ of the party at this important time in the history of our nation.” 


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