GSLP honours Juan Carlos Perez with ‘fighting fund’
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The Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party has this week honoured founder member Juan Carlos Perez, establishing a ‘fighting fund’ in his name to cover election expenses of candidates of the party.
This follows the passing of a special resolution at the GSLP’s forty first annual party conference, held on Monday at the John Macintosh Hall.
The meeting started with one minute’s silence being observed as the party dedicated the event to former elected member, minister, and chairman, Mr Perez, who died earlier this year.
A 10 minute tribute film honouring the life of Mr Perez was also screened at the meeting which prompted a spontaneous, standing ovation in his memory.
The Special Resolution, passed by unanimity, recognized Mr Perz forty year dedication to the GSLP and to Gibraltar and its working people acknowledging in particular his contribution to the organisation and fighting of political campaigns.
The Juan Carlos Perez fighting fund was therefore established to receive donations from the membership for the purposes of raising funds for the party to be used exclusively for the funding of election expenses of candidates of the party in election campaigns.
The conference then moved on to consider motions presented by the Executive Committee and which become binding on party policy.
This includes a motion condemning the “scurrilous campaign initiated by an anonymous individual and echoed by others,” suggesting that the affairs of the Calpe House charity are not being carried out properly and seeking to “undermine” the support for the charity by the people of Gibraltar.
A separate motion, also passed unanimously, welcomed and endorsed the policy of the party and the government to participate in and promote China’s 'One Belt One Road' initiative.
“It warmly welcomes the development of mutually beneficial commercial and cultural links between our two peoples and the promotion of economic activities in and from Gibraltar, in partnership with both private and state owned enterprises from both our countries.”
The Conference culminated with an address by Party Leader and Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, in which he recalled the highlights of the past two years.
He also gave the party a rundown of the issues that have arisen as a result of the Brexit decision.
Mr Picardo’s speech was received with a standing ovation by the packed theatre venue.
Meanwhile, five posts on the committee were voted in for a period of two years.
An additional, sixth post, became vacant on the death of Mr Perez, who had been re-elected to the Executive the year before.
That post has been filled for one year.
The individuals elected to serve on the executive committee this year are Pepe Baldachino, Alan Asquez, Jared Negron and Charles Robba all of whom had their two year terms renewed and Kaylan Lucas and Ivan Alman were elected for two year terms.
The Chairman, Pepe Baldachino, and the Party Leader, Fabian Picardo, thanked those who had been elected for their commitment to the GSLP.
Both also thanked those not re-elected for their service to date and their continued support to the party and its socialist ideology.