‘High morale’ as Calpe House implements Covid-19 measures
The ‘Gibraltar spirit’ is keeping morale high at Calpe House despite the exceptional circumstances sponsored patients find themselves in amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sponsored patients staying at Calpe House in Norfolk Square fall firmly within the ‘vulnerable’ classification, so are especially at risk of infection.
Consequently, the staff at Calpe House have for the last number of weeks been implementing policies and procedures recommended by health professionals that seek to limit the spread of Covid-19.
The charity has now implemented all of the GHA’s recommendations at Calpe House thereby ensuring that everything that can reasonably and sensibly be done to protect sponsored patients and their escorts has been done.
“Obviously, these measures will be kept under continual review, with changes implemented as advised by appropriately qualified healthcare authorities and/or professionals,” the charity said in a statement.
“In the Trustee’s opinion and considering the exceptional circumstances our Sponsored Patients face, we think that – despite natural concerns, which will continue to be factored into our thinking, planning and actions – their morale is impressively high.”
“It will be absolutely no surprise to anyone in Gibraltar that the central plank of this upbeat assessment relates to the mutual support that sponsored patients and their escorts provide one another; a case of true ‘Gibraltar spirit’ in times of adversity.”
Nonetheless, the Charity said it will do all it possibly can to ensure that the material needs of the residents are adequately met.
The Trustees have also expressed their appreciation to the small team of dedicated individuals who provide vital support at Calpe House.
“They routinely give more than that expected in more normal times. However, in these most exceptional and extraordinary of times, in supporting our residents they have diligently and consistently delivered a level of service that goes way, way above and beyond anything that might reasonably be expected. Weekend working and 12 hour plus days are their new norm, a situation that is set to endure. In short, we commend our fantastic team to you.”
The Trustees have also thanked the GHA, highlighting how its employees are working tirelessly to keep Gibraltar safe.