Highly commended at the 50th Gibraltar International Art Exhibition
Photos by Eyleen Gomez
Royal Academician Stephen Cox carried out the adjudication on the 50th Gibraltar International Art Exhibition and selected 11 pieces to receive a highly commended recognition.
These artists are Adam Galloway for ‘Springtime Pill Box’; Caroline Canessa for ‘Veranito Llanito’; Chris-Anne Alcantara with ‘These Streets’; Emma Dalmedo for ‘Thermal Vision’; Fermin Garcia Villaescusa with ‘Patio de Jerez V’; Jose Manuel Diaz Pino with ‘Teriantropía’; Leslie Gaduzo for ‘New York’; Manuel Castillero with ‘Lux Aeterna’; Nancy Crisp for ‘Olori’; Naomi Duarte with ‘Summer Burnout / Fiebre de Verano’ and Sebastian Rodriguez with ‘View from Gibraltar College.
The Exhibition is now open to the public until Saturday November 4 from 10.30am to 6.30pm on weekdays, and 10.30am to 1.30pm on Saturdays. Entry is free.