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Lack of cleaning and maintenance 'not being addressed', GSD says

Photo by Johnny Bugeja

The GSD has urged the Gibraltar Government not to lose sight of the need for maintenance of public property while it focuses on new development.

The GSD said many public buildings and areas have fallen into disrepair through a lack of a maintenance programme.

"This is true of streets, car parks, government office buildings and even Parliament itself at the centre of town and seen by many visitors," the GSD said.

“I was recently invited to see the condition of the Engineer Lane car park as those who rent spaces there were concerned about the lack of cleaning and maintenance," added Trevor Hammond, the party's environment spokesman.

"It’s true to say that there are many breakages that have remained unaddressed for months now and that the cleaning of stairwells and pedestrian spaces was poor."
"There seems to be a similar lack of cleaning in areas of the Mid Town car park. Government must address the matter of cleaning with the company responsible while dealing with the maintenance issues."

“More generally, the government should be addressing the many areas around Gibraltar which are in poor repair, some, like the Parliament building at the Piazza in very prominent locations as far as visitors are concerned."

"It gives a very poor impression of Gibraltar and such maintenance should not be forgotten in the rush to develop new locations."

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