Learning from Auschwitz returns Government funding
The ‘Learning from Auschwitz’ charity has returned this year’s full funding/sponsorship to the Government of Gibraltar. The funding would have been used for its annual educational trip.
Chairperson Naomi Hassan-Weisfogel told the Chronicle the decision took into account the present circumstances and the amount of extra funding the Government was having to utilise in these difficult times.
“As always, we are extremely grateful for our Government’s continued support, but this year we feel these funds could be better utilised, perhaps by the GHA,” she said.
“I know that several charities have since donated to Government. We urge everyone who can, to do the same and support our Government through these very difficult and worrying times. We feel that together we can get through this. It is now when we all need to think of each other and not ourselves.”
Mrs Hassan-Weisfogel said that although initially the intention had been not to make their decision public the charity trustees felt that if they were to give it publicity other charities might follow suit.
“We also feel that under the name of our charity, Learning from Auschwitz, we can all take lessons from Auschwitz, and remember how humanity, through extremely suffering, difficulties and torturous times also showed bravery, resilience, patience, courage, love, unity and fortitude,” she said.
“I hope and pray that we will get through this much easier than envisaged, and faster than imagined.”