Life drawing session by Kitchen Studios
The Mayor, Christian Santos, hosted a life drawing session at City Hall for Kitchen Studios and their guests.
Two models posed throughout the evening allowing the participants to capture them on paper. The evening saw artist’s sketch mostly in pencil and charcoal, quite a different medium for some.
Those who ordinarily create sculptures, ceramics, collages, illustrations, animations, textiles and photographs were equally excited to be involved in a drawing event, alongside the fine artists.
Kitchen Studios organised the event and extended invitations to collaborators and friends, to give them the opportunity to come together for an evening and create alongside other art enthusiasts. The historic and ambient surroundings of the Mayor’s Parlour in City Hall, also home to the Mario Finlayson National Art Gallery, added to the creative atmosphere of the evening, and Mr Santos was delighted to have the Parlour used for such a different unique event.